Here is where we publish articles about the social, political and military history of American society during the Colonial and Early Republic Eras. Where we feel it is needed, we also examine the origins of the subject. From time to time, we will also publish articles regarding Living History interpretative skills.
Please let us know in the comments if you enjoy our posts.
The Marquis de Lafayette: A Champion for Emancipation and Human Rights.
The Marquis de Lafayette - U.S. Citizen or Not?
Unveiling the Mystery: The Phenomenon of Total Solar Eclipses in Early America
Where There's Smoke, There's Barbecue
Henry Dearborn – Soldier, Politician, Cabinet Secretary, Diplomat
America’s Swiss “Founding Father” – Albert Gallatin
Francis Cabot Lowell and the Beginnings of American Industrial Manufacturing
Negotiator, Lawyer, Representative, Senator, and Commissioner - Littleton Waller Tazewell.
Celebration: Patriotic Holidays in Colonial America and the Early United States
America’s Unplanned Expansion – The Louisiana Purchase
Wine in Early-19th Century America
The Formal Visit and the Calling Card
Provocation Toward War: The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
Jefferson’s Embargo Act and the Depression of 1807-11
Building the Republic: National Banking and Finance
The Naval Act of 1794 and the Resurrection of the US Navy - Part 1
George Washington's 1791 Southern Tour - Part 2: The Way Home.
The Unconquered Lord of the Card Room: Whist-its history and play
America's First Political Factions - Federalists and Anti-Federalists